Diana Abbott
Craniosacral Therapist
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive treatment which involves the light touch of the therapist’s hands.
Babies and
As most children, particularly toddlers, don't like being touched especially by a stranger, I have developed a method whereby I connect to the child's system and work on them hands-off.
Mums and
Having worked with babies and children for many years, it has become clear to me that there's a general lack of understanding about how important mothers are
After giving birth to my son in 1995, I developed ME, due as it turned out, to my pelvis having shifted during the birth. I struggled with this condition for 6 years
My Approach
Craniosacral therapy (CST) is now extensively practiced around the world. It is a potent way of connecting to the whole person; body, mind, and spirit, to help bring about healing changes.
About me
I am Diana Abbott and I am qualified in Craniosacral therapy and the Perrin Technique for CFS/ME as well as aromatherapy, massage and lymphatic drainage.
Email: Diana_abbott@hotmail.co.uk
Allandale Avenue, Finchley,
London N3 3PJ
© 2021